Brazil, country of

Corruption, Chaos!

Time Magazine Promoting a Criminal!Unbelievable How Liberal Media acts!

Read the article, 04/21/2011

Promoting a Criminal!

Here is a translation of her criminal record

  • Dilma past as TERRORIST / BANK ROBBER
  • 1967 - agent for the Worker's Politics Movement
  • 06/10/68 - robbery of Banespa bank, Iguatemi Street, $ 80,000
  • 12/10/68 - planned the murder of [American] Capt. Charles Chandler [accomplished in cold blood, in front of his house, his wife and child]
  • 11/12/68 - robbery of Gun Store Diana, Seminario Street, 48 guns [stolen]
  • ??/04/69 - National Liberation Command [another terrorist organization)
  • 24/01/69 - Robbery of Quitauna Arms Depository - 63 FAU rifles, 3 INA guns, 4 munitions
  • 18/07/69 - Robbery of the Governor Ademar de Barros' house [the money was never recovered]
  • 01/08/68 - Robbery of the Mercantil of Sao Paulo bank
  • ??/09/69 - VAR Palmares [terrorist organization] Congress in Teresopolis
  • 20/09/69 - Robbery of the Public Force Police Quarters in Barro Branco

These people like Dilma receive substantial allowances for life because they have been arrested. The family of people whom they have killed get nothing at all. She climbed to the top inside the government because she is a Communist.

She got all media support!!!

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